🦐Tada~ Transformation complete! Hah, we've a boatload!🦐

he / they ...⠀ 20+
⠀&&⠀ !!

hi i'm ciel and i'm your usual internet dweller! i make vocaloid covers under "tsumugilovemail" and also draw sometimes

multifandom. i post whatever i like bitchesss


project moon, touhou, vocaloid, rpg horror, danganronpa, pokemon, kirby, pmmm, enstars, hatoful bf, cookie run, among others. i also consume "objectively shit" media in the same way a mad scientist looks at their subject.


not spoiler OR leak free in most cases. also RT/RB heavy. i don't like 0103 and i like 0104. if ur a 0103 shipper or don't like 0104 feel free to leave lol. either way, i block p liberally. i dont rly have a dni unless u fit the usual criteria

A heart shaken by sorrow bursts… like this.
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